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Dogs and cats need vaccinations to protect against dangerous viral and bacterial diseases. Vaccines are the ultimate shield against infectious illnesses and the best way to keep our pets healthy and happy.
Kittens and puppies require two vaccinations and can start from as early as 6 weeks old while adult pets should get booster vaccinations every year. Here are some vaccination facts. It’s worth mentioning too that all kennels and cat boarding will require up-to-date vaccinations.



Vaccinations for cats and dogs are produced under stringent safety rules that trigger your pet’s body to produce antibodies.


Quick and easy

Vaccination visits are quick and easy. It involves a simple injection from which we rarely see any side effects. The vet will carry out a full health check on your pet just before the vaccination is given.



Vaccinations are so effective in protecting cats and dogs that some people don't believe they are necessary. However preventable illnesses still exist and if your pet is not vaccinated they are at risk of contracting these fatal illnesses.


Dogs - vaccinations will prevent

  • Leptospirosis 

  • Canine hepatitis 

  • Canine parvovirus 

  • Kennel cough

  • Canine parainfluenza  

  • Rabies


Important - your puppy should NOT be taken out for walks in public places until two weeks after their second vaccination.

Leptospirosis: Severe disease of the liver and kidneys which can be fatal. It spreads via urine of infected animals, commonly from mice and rats. It can affect humans. Up to date vaccination will greatly reduce the risk of your dog ever shedding this harmful bacteria.


Hepatitis: A viral infection that is often fatal with no effective treatment. It causes severe liver disease and vomiting and may cause eye problems. It spreads through close contact with infected dogs - recovering dogs can be
infectious for six months.

Parvovirus: This causes severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea, frequently fatal. It affects puppies from a very early age and spread by faeces from infected dogs. The virus can survive for over a year in the environment and could be carried on the shoes and clothing of owners.

Infectious Bronchitis (kennel cough): This is rarely serious or life-threatening but is a contagious cough that spreads rapidly where dogs are in close contact (eg. in kennels, hence the name “kennel cough”, training classes, groomers, the park or anywhere where dogs come into close contact). Most boarding kennels will insist dogs have been previously vaccinated.

Distemper: This is a viral infection that is often fatal with no effective treatment. It causes severe symptoms such as coughing, vomiting and nervous signs. It spread by contact with an infected dog.


Cats - vaccinations will prevent

  • Feline enteritis 

  • Feline parvovirus 

  • Feline leukaemia (FeLV)

  • Cat flu syndrome 

  • Rabies


Feline enteritis: This causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea. It is potentially fatal, highly contagious and can spread rapidly. The virus can be carried on shoes and clothing and can survive in food dishes and litter trays.


Feline Leukaemia (FeLV): This is commonly diagnosed in practice and is a major cause of death in young cats. It causes a range of symptoms from anaemia, weight loss and fever; to tumour-like growths. The infection is spread through catfights, social contact (licking & grooming) and even from mother to kitten.


Cat flu: This causes flu-like symptoms and can be fatal in kittens, elderly cats and immunocompromised cats. It is extremely contagious and spreads mainly through direct contact with infected cats.

Before your kitten is vaccinated against FeLV we will perform a blood
test to ensure your kitten does not already have the leukaemia virus and only takes ten minutes. If this is negative, the leukaemia vaccination can be given along with the cat flu (and feline infectious enteritis) injection. 

Learn more
Adult cats and dogs should get a booster vaccination once every year.

Annual vaccinations are covered under your Health Plan.
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