How to brush your cats teeth
Many pets actually enjoy the added attention from their owners when they are getting their teeth brushed, but be patient and it takes a few days to get them use to it.
You will need:
One cat toothbrush per cat. Don't share toothbrushs between cats, as saliva is a route for cross-infection.
One tube of animal toothpaste. Animal toothpaste doesn’t foam in the mouth.
Procedure - before brushing
Day 1 – Introduce the toothbrush to your cat to get used to the feeling of the bristles. Try dipping the toothbrush into wet cat-food and allow them to lick it off. Reward with praise and a treat at the end of the session.
Day 2 – Introduce the toothpaste to your cat. Use a cotton bud and place a dollop of toothpaste on it and allow your cat to lick this off. Reward with praise and a treat at the end of the session.
Day 3 – Now you need to get your cat used to having their lip lifted so gently pet and scratch your cats muzzle and slowly lift the lip for about 30 seconds. Reward with praise and a treat at the end of the session. This should be done with your cat's back towards you, approaching head-on may be seen as a threat.
For the next few days – let your cat get used to you holding their head and slowly introduce a cotton bud with a little bit of toothpaste on it, gently rub in a small circular motion. Start with the back teeth and make your way to the front of the mouth.
Housing for chinchillas
When you feel the cat is ready introduce the toothbrush, use the same action. Start with 10 seconds on each side and build up to 30-45 seconds on each side.
If you feel that they are accepting the brushing well, gradually increase brushing time until you are able to spend at least one minute on each side of the mouth. If at any time the animal is resisting, stop and wait until the next day.
Toothbrushing can be a bonding experience. Give your cat lots of praise, reward your cat (Hill’s t/d food is ideal) and stop immediately if there are any signs of aggression
Be patient
Give your pet lots of praise
Reward your pet (Hill’s t/d food is ideal)
Stop immediately if there is any signs of aggression.